• Life Settlement Calculator

    Answer a few simple questions and get an estimate of what your policy
    (or policies) may be worth!

1 Step 1
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7 Final
  • Providing your gender is important in valuing your policy.

  • years old at last birthday. Providing your age is important in valuing your policy.

  • $

    Your “policy payout” is also known as the death benefit value that your beneficiaries would receive.


    If you know what your “annual premiums” are, fill this in, but it is not needed.

  • All policy types could have value, so choose the type of policy you have. If you don’t know your policy type, just click “not sure”.

  • These 4 options are basic descriptions of your health which help us estimate the value of your policy. Choose one of the categories that best represents your current health status.

  • Life and Viatical settlements regulations vary by state, so let us know the primary state you live in.

  • Your privacy is extremely important to us. This information allows us to determine if you qualify for a life settlement. If eligible, you will receive an estimate of your policy’s potential value on the next screen. We do not sell your information and we always protect your privacy.

    By clicking on “Get Your Estimate”, you have read and acknowledged the disclaimer below.

Welcome to the free life settlement calculator provided by MRE Finance. If you own an insurance policy of $250,000 or greater and are over the age of 70 or have serious health issues, the calculator will provide you with an estimate of your life insurance policy’s settlement value in only a few short steps. If you prefer a quote over the phone, call our office today or contact us via the email below. Our specialists will answer all your life settlement questions and guide you through the process. At MRE Finance, our goal is to help you evaluate the value of your life insurance policy and help you find the best buyer possible for your settlement goals.

Phone: 1-800-521-0770  |  Email: [email protected]

How Does The Life Settlement Calculator Work?

The life settlement calculator works in seven simple steps:

Step 1: Enter your gender. 
Step 2: Enter your age. 
Step 3: Enter your policy payout amount and annual premium.
Step 4: Select the type of life insurance policy that you have.
Step 5: Select the category that best describes your health. 
Step 6: Enter the state you currently live in.
Step 7: Enter your name, phone number, and email.

*For help on determining your policy type, see the “Types Of Life Insurance Explained” section below.

The system will then generate your insurance policy’s approximate value should it qualify for a life settlement. Why do we ask these questions? Read the next section which explains how your answers help determine if you qualify for a life settlement and calculate the estimated value of your policy.

Why Does The Life Settlement Calculator Ask Personal Questions?

The MRE Finance free life settlement calculator asks general personal questions to ensure that you get a more accurate estimate of the potential value of your life insurance policy. We know that selling your life insurance policy is a big decision. You have spent many years working hard and paying premiums on your life insurance policy. So for that reason, we have to ask a handful of personal questions like your age, health condition, and insurance policy type to get you an estimated value of your policy for a life settlement. At MRE Finance, we guarantee that your personal information will only be used to provide you an estimate of the potential value of your policy and we will only use your personal information to assist you in selling your life insurance policy. Your information will never be sold to a third party in another industry. Our company was founded by industry professionals who take your privacy and security seriously. If you are uncomfortable entering your personal information into the free MRE Finance life settlement calculator then please feel free to call us at 1-800-521-0770 to discuss the sale of your policy.

The MRE Finance Life Settlement Calculator Steps Explained

Step 1: What’s Your Gender?

Explanation: A person’s gender can affect their life expectancy which is a critical component of estimating the potential value of their policy. When someone is selling their life insurance policy, their gender affects the final calculation that buyers use to place a value on the person’s potential payout.

Step 2: Age?

Explanation: A person’s age can tell us how much longer a person is likely to live and in turn has an effect on how much can be paid for that person’s life insurance policy. A person’s life expectancy has to be estimated which determines how long premiums will need to be paid before the policy pays out.

Step 3: What Is Your Insurance Policy Pay Out And Premium?

Explanation: Your “policy payout” is also known as the death benefit value that your beneficiaries would receive. Your insurance policy value and premium amounts are important in estimating your policy’s potential value when selling it. The value of the policy cannot be determined without this information. 

Step 4: What Type Of Policy Do You Have?

Explanation: Since different types of insurance policies have different premium structures, features, and payouts, we will need to know the type of life insurance policy that you have and are interested in selling. This will enable the estimated value of your life insurance policy to be more accurate.

Step 5: How Would You Describe Your Health?

Explanation: Your personal health has an impact on your life expectancy. This helps us estimate the length of time a buyer will have to pay premiums until they collect the policy payout. The length of time premiums need to be paid affects the potential value of your life settlement based on how many more premium payments may need to be made. In order to make the free life settlement calculator more efficient, we have created the following categories for you to choose from to best describe your or your loved one’s health.

  • Healthy: Active and exercise regularly.
  • Minor Conditions: Medical conditions that require management such as diabetes or high blood pressure.
  • Serious Conditions: Serious medical conditions such as cancer, Alzheimer’s, heart disease, stroke.
  • Terminal Conditions: End-stage of life conditions such as late-stage cancer, congestive heart failure, liver, pulmonary disease.

Step 6: What State Do You Live In?

Explanation: Rules and regulations can vary from state to state regarding insurance and life insurance. Therefore, before we can give you an estimated value for your life insurance policy, we first have to know what state where you live so we can determine what laws will apply to the potential sale of your life insurance policy.

Step 7: Enter Your Contact Information?

Explanation: The website will generate your potential estimated value for your life insurance policy instantly after this step. However, we also require your contact information so that we can email you a copy of your estimate and reach out to you with more details about selling your life insurance policy if needed.

Life Settlement Calculator Terminology

Life Insurance is a policy that pays out to a designated beneficiary on the death of an insured person.
Life Settlement is the legal sale of an existing life insurance policy to a third party.
Viatical Settlement is the legal sale of an existing life insurance policy to a third party when the insured person has a terminal illness.
Life Settlement Calculator is a free tool that estimates the potential value of your life insurance policy when sold to a third party.

Types Of Life Insurance Explained

Universal Life InsuranceAs defined by Forbes. “Universal life insurance is a type of permanent life insurance. It can cover you for the duration of your life, as long as the premiums are paid. Some forms of universal life insurance also offer a cash value component. With universal life insurance, you can receive lifelong coverage. The life insurance payout, called a death benefit, is paid to your beneficiaries tax-free. Some universal life policies also build cash value, with gains growing tax-free. Universal life policies build cash value, with gains growing tax-free. And there may be flexibility to adjust your premium payments and death benefit, depending on the policy.”

Variable Life InsuranceAs defined by Investor.Gov. “A variable life insurance policy is a contract between you and an insurance company. It is intended to meet certain insurance needs, investment goals, and tax planning objectives. It is a policy that pays a specified amount to your family or others (your beneficiaries) upon your death. It also has a cash value that varies according to the amount of premiums you pay, the policy’s fees and expenses, and the performance of a menu of investment options—typically mutual funds—offered under the policy.”

Term Life InsuranceAs defined by Investopedia. “Term life insurance, also known as pure life insurance, is a type of life insurance that guarantees payment of a stated death benefit if the covered person dies during a specified term. Once the term expires, the policyholder can either renew it for another term, convert the policy to permanent coverage, or allow the term life insurance policy to terminate.”

Whole Life InsuranceAs defined by Wikipedia. “Sometimes called “straight life” or “ordinary life,” is a life insurance policy that is guaranteed to remain in force for the insured’s entire lifetime or to the maturity date, provided required premiums are paid. As a life insurance policy it represents a contract between the insured and insurer that as long as the contract terms are met, the insurer will pay the death benefit of the policy to the policy’s beneficiaries when the insured dies. Because whole life policies are guaranteed to remain in force as long as the required premiums are paid, the premiums are typically much higher than those of term life insurance where the premium is fixed only for a limited term. Whole life premiums are fixed, based on the age of issue, and usually do not increase with age. The insured party normally pays premiums until death, except for limited pay policies which may be paid up in 10 years, 20 years, or at age 65.”

Selling Your Life Insurance Policy Regulations

States With No Regulations On Selling Your Life Insurance Policy

Alabama, Missouri, South Carolina, South Dakota, Wyoming, and Washington DC do not regulate viatical settlements or life settlements. If you live in any of these states, you can sell your life insurance policy without having to worry about any state regulations.

States That Only Regulate Viatical Settlements

Two states in the U.S. only regulate viatical settlements. Those states are Michigan and New Mexico. The difference between a viatical and a life settlement is explained in the terminology section of this page. In short, viatical settlements are the sale of policies where the insured is terminally ill.

States With Life and Viatical Settlement Regulations

Currently, 43 states in the U.S. regulate life and viatical settlements. Those states are Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, and Wisconsin.

Some States Have Mandatory Disclosure Laws

The mandatory life insurance disclosure laws require that insurance companies inform their clients who are about to lapse or surrender their life insurance about their options which includes selling their policy for through a life settlement which will often be for a significantly higher amount compared to the policy surrender value. States that currently have disclosure laws are the following: Kentucky, Maine, New Hampshire, Oregon, Washington, and Wisconsin.

Some States Have Mandatory Waiting Periods Before You Can Sell Your Life Insurance

The mandatory waiting period laws in some states regulate the sale of life insurance policies for new policyholders. The laws set a period of time that a policyholder must maintain the policy. before they are eligible to sell the life insurance policy through a life settlement transaction.

States that have a two-year waiting period: California, Arizona, Utah, Idaho, Washington, Montana, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Arkansas, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Tennessee, Florida, Georgia, New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Maine.

States that have a four-year waiting period: Minnesota.

States that have a five-year waiting period: Oregon, Nevada, North Dakota, Nebraska, Iowa, Wisconsin, Ohio, West Virginia, Delaware, New Hampshire, and Vermont.

Should You Sell Your Life Insurance Policy?

Ultimately, selling your life insurance policy is a very personal decision. You went to great lengths to find the right life insurance policy, worked hard for years, and paid all of your life insurance premiums on time. So is selling your policy now that you are older and closer to the policy paying out even worth it? Does it make sound business sense to sell your life insurance policy? Is it a smart financial decision to sell your life insurance policy? These are all important things to consider when selling your life insurance policy to a third party. At MRE Finance, we can help you navigate these complex financial and investment decisions to find the best solution for your unique situation. We take pride in working hand in hand with our clients to meet their personal needs.

People sell their life insurance policy for a myriad of reasons including paying for medical bills, necessary medical treatments, needing extra money to stay in their homes, helping family members, supplementing their retirement, money for a dream vacation or a second home, college funds for the grandkids, paying off debts, or long term care and more. So there is no black and white answer to the “should I sell my life insurance” question that fits everyone and their life circumstances. As such, one of the best things you can do is gather your information, then give MRE Finance a call. Our staff of trained professionals will help you make the best decision for your needs based on your information and circumstances.

A person’s life insurance policy is often one of their biggest financial assets, so be sure to do your due diligence before selling your life insurance policy to a third party. At MRE Finance, we have over 25 years of collective experience in life settlements. Our goal is to empower you with the information you need so that you can feel secure with your decision to sell your policy or not. Our team of industry professionals are experienced in helping clients just like you. Our goal is to help you sell your life insurance policy and meet your financial and life needs.

To get immediate assistance from an MRE Finance representative call us today at 1-800-521-0770.

The MRE Finance life settlement calculator is a professionally designed calculator that helps you estimate the potential value of your life insurance policy. The value presented is an estimate of what you could receive if you were to sell your policy for a lump sum cash payment. At MRE Finance, we pride ourselves on staying current with financial, industry, and economic trends in updating our free life settlement calculator for our users. We make mathematical adjustments, general and software upgrades to the life settlement calculator on a continual basis. Our goal is to provide the easiest and most efficient online life settlement calculator experience for our customers. If at any time, while using the free life settlement calculator, you have or need to report a technical issue, please feel free to call us immediately at 1-800-521-0770 for further assistance.